West Zone Power Distribution Company Limited
Online Application Submission System

Application Instruction

The application form for recruitment of WZPDCL will only be available online, and the application processing fee can be paid only through DBBL Mobile Banking using mobile phone. No printed application form will be sold from this company or elsewhere, and other modes of payment except through DBBL Mobile Banking will not be accepted.

Application Procedure (Step by step) Download

Step 1: Online Application Form Fill up

  • Application form should be filled up properly through the assigned website (jobs.wzpdcl.org.bd) and submit recent color photograph (approximately 300 x 350 pixel and at most 100 kB in size) and signature (approximately 300 x 80 pixel and at most 50 kB in size) of the candidate. It is recommended to submit both the photograph and signature in *.JPG format. Any writing or attestation on photograph is not permitted. No indistinct or distortion of signature and photograph is accepted. Note that photograph and signature of the applicant will be verified in examination hall.
  • After filling up the application form one can see the preview of the filled form by clicking 'Preview' button. If any information is needed to be corrected, one can edit the form by clicking 'Update' button.
  • If everything in the 'Preview of Application' is correct, one can finally submit the application by clicking 'Submit' button.
  • If the submission is successful, the applicant can see the 'Confirmation Page' where the necessary instruction will be provided along with the 6 digit 'Application No.' and a 'Password'.Applicant must remember his Application No. and the 'Password' for further use. Applicant should print and collect the printable PDF version of the 'Receipt of Application' which will be available through clicking the 'Download of Application' button.

Step 2: Payment of Application Fee

The instruction of 'How to Payment' is as follows:

a. Application Fees Payment through USSD

b. Application Fees Payment through Rocket

Step 3: Collection of Money Receipt

If the applicant paid the application fee successfully and submitted the txnId in the payment section can download and print the PDF version of the Money Receipt from the assigned website (https://jobs.wzpdcl.gov.bd:6780/). The applicant has to click the "Applicant's Log in" button and by providing the password and Application No. s/he can get the Money receipt by clicking the "Download money receipt" button.

Step 4: Collection of Admit Card

After publishing the list of the qualified applicants for the admission test, the applicant has to download the Admit card from the assigned website (jobs.wzpdcl.org.bd) by clicking 'Download Admit Card' button and print it on A4 size 80 gm Offset paper. An applicant without Admit Card will not be allowed to sit for the examination.

Applicant must read and understand the following steps carefully

  1. Read the WZPDCL Online Application procedure carefully.
  2. After filling the online application form you will press the "Preview" button that is at the bottom of the last Step of the online Application form. If you are eligible for the application then you will get the Preview version of your online application. But if you are not eligible for the application then you will not be allowed to go forward.
  3. When you are in the "Preview" section of your online application then please look over the application carefully. If you find any information is incorrect then please Click on the "Cancel" button of that page which is just below the preview form. After Pressing the "Cancel" button you will get back to the Online form again for making any correction.After completing the correction, press the "Preview" button again.
  4. If all the information in the preview page is correct then please Click on the "Submit" button. After the successful Submission of your online application you will get a Application Number and a Password. Please take note of the Application Number and Password for future use. Furthermore, if you have specified an Email address in the Application Form then an auto generated Email with your "Application Number" and "Password" will be sent to your Email address.

Copyright © WZPDCL 2015, Powered by: ICT Division WZPDCL, Email: wzpdcl.ict@gmail.com Developed by: Engr. Md. Nazim Uddin