Government has given top priority in power sector development and committed to provide
access to electricity to all citizens across the country by 2021. In order to achieve
this goal Government has undertaken a number of reform measures. As a part of this
Reform Programs by way of unbundling the Power Sector and increasing efficiency
by ensuring accountability and better services in the field of Generation, Transmission
and Distribution through reduction of distribution system loss and strengthening
the financial position, West Zone Power Distribution Co. Ltd. was constituted as
a electricity distribution company in November 2002 under the Companies Act, 1994
as a Public Limited Company. The Manpower of the Distribution, Western Zone (Khulna
Division, Barisal Division and Greater Faridpur comprising of 21 districts and 20
upazilla excluding REB area) of erstwhile Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB)
was put under ‘Lien’ being the employees of WZPDCL on October 01, 2003.
Discussion on 15th August and Doa Mahfil
Rally on 15th Auguest
Rally on 15th Auguest
Placing a wreath
The Manpower of the Distribution, Western Zone (Khulna Division, Barisal Division
and Greater Faridpur comprising of 21 districts and 20 upazilla excluding REB area)
of erstwhile Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) was put under ‘Lien’ being
the employees of WZPDCL on October 01, 2003. WZPDCL signed Provisional Vendor’s
Agreement (VA) and Provisional Power Sales Agreement (PSA) with BPDB on March 23,
2005. After signing the Agreements, the operational activities of WZPDCL commenced
on April 01, 2005 by taking over the distribution system of the then Distribution,
Western Zone of BPDB. WZPDCL commenced its functioning from April, 2005 independently.
The employees of BPDB joined WZPDCL in December 16, 2007 with the end of ‘Lien’.